Diabetes & Health Hub

Tips To Lower Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fatty substance that is found in your blood. There are two types of cholesterol: LDL and HDL.

  • LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) can build up in the walls of your arteries and increase your risk of heart disease and stroke
  • HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) removes bad cholesterol from the blood, high levels of HDL reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke.

It is important to know the levels of good and bad cholesterol in your blood. Too much of the bad type or not enough of the good type can put you at risk of coronary heart disease, heart attack or stroke.

Guides to help you consume a low-fat & low-cholesterol diet

Aim for 5 servings per day and always ask for salad & fruit dressing on the side

Grains & Starches:

Choose more often whole grain products

Choose... Instead Of...
Choose... Instead Of...
Bread (whole wheat, pumpernickel, rye, multi-grain) Baked pastries (i.e. croissants, danish, donuts, cakes, cookies)
Dishes made with tomato sauce Dishes made with butter/cream sauce
Rice (basmati, wild), boiled  
Barley, burghul  
Whole grain cereals (i.e. all bran, oatmeal, muesli)  
High fibre crisp bread  

Fruits & Vegetables

Aim for 5 servings per day and always ask for salad & fruit dressing on the side

Choose... Instead Of...
Choose... Instead Of...
Fruits & Vegetables – fresh or frozen Crispy curls
  French fries
  Fried/tempura vegetables
  Fried onion rings
  Coconut Fried fruit

Milk & Alternatives

Choose more often fat-free or low-fat dairy products

Cheeses (fat-free/low-fat <15-20% milk fat)Cream, Kashta

Choose... Instead Of...
Laban/Labneh (fat-free/low-fat) Full-fat cheeses (gruyere, kashkaval, cheddar, parmesan)
Milk – fat-free/low fat Fried/tempura vegetables
Yoghurt, unsweetened – fat-free/low-fat (plain or flavoured) Full-fat milk & yoghurt
Soy/Rice beverages – fat-free/low-fat Whipped cream

Meat & Alternatives

Use the following cooking methods more frequently: broiling, steaming, poaching, baking, boiling, roasting or barbecuing, trim off all visible top fat & remove the skin. Consume red meat no more than twice (2x) a week.

Choose... Instead Of...
All kinds of beans, chickpeas, lentils, peas Luncheon meat, smoked meat, hotdogs
Fish Fried eggs
Poultry – no skin Fried meats
Lean cuts of meat beef Fried fish, caviar
Egg whites Organ meats: liver/kidney/brain
Egg yolks (limit to 2x/week) Shawarma
Tofu, low-fat Shrimps

Fats & Oils

Choose... Instead Of...
Unsaturated oils – olive, canola, sunflower, soybean Butter, ghee, lard, margarine, mayonnaise
Salad dressings – fat-free/low-fat made with unsaturated oils  
Poultry – no skin  

Fruits & Vegetables

Aim for 5 servings per day and always ask for salad & fruit dressing on the side

Choose... Instead Of...
Fresh fruit – Yoghurt, unsweetened or sugar-free Cakes with icing/Cheesecake
Skimmed or semi-skimmed, sugar-free milkshake made with fruit such as strawberries or guava Chocolate fondant
70-85% chocolate (small amount) Crème Brûlée/Crème caramel
  Ice cream
  Full-fat milkshakes with sugar
  Milk chocolate
  Pastries and pies

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