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9th European Society of Endocrinology Clinical Update in Abu Dhabi to Highlight Metformin’s Break-through Effects in Diabetes-related Cancer Cases

04 Jan 2017
Abu Dhabi

The 9th European Society of Endocrinology (ESE) Clinical update will take place from January 13-14, 2017 in Abu Dhabi, and will this year focus on endocrinology-related cancers and vitamin D and calcium deficiencies.  To be held at Abu Dhabi’s Hilton Capital Grand Hotel, the keynote presentation of the event will cover the topic of Metformin and its implications for diabetes and cancer, including the mechanism of its effects and other key findings related to the drug. 

The event is being organised in conjunction with Imperial College London Diabetes Centre, the region’s largest one stop shop for treatment, prevention, awareness, research and education of diabetes and related conditions. World experts will deliver in-depth presentations on the latest in endocrinology outcomes, trends, developments and best practice as well as clinical case-study-based workshops and Q&A sessions. 

Speaking at the event, Professor Márta Korbonitis, Professor in Endocrinology, William Harvey Research Institute, Queen Mary University of London, UK will highlight that some 422 million people worldwide and one in five in the UAE currently live with diabetes. The session will also discuss the use of Metformin as the biggest selling anti-diabetic drug in the world. 

Workshops will provide a stimulating environment for learning and highlight clinical case studies to demonstrate calcium problems, updates in Vitamin D and thyroid cytology and lumps. The event will also offer opportunities for networking, collaboration and the exchange of ideas within the regional medical community.

The HAAD accredited conference forms part of the Imperial College London Diabetes Centre’s renowned Education Series, which aims to promote the sharing of medical experiences and practice and plans to help develop a cadre of highly qualified experts across the region. 

Dr Saf Naqvi, Medical Director, Consultant Physician and Endocrinologist at Imperial College London Diabetes Centre, explained the importance of the event that is drawing the participation of high caliber physicians from around Europe. 

He said: “If we are to collectively tackle some of the healthcare challenges in our region, we have to engage with experts from all corners of the globe to think and act in the best way possible as professionals. 

“We have been partnering with ESE since 2013 and by bringing together some of the best in the field from renowned medical institutions over Europe including the William Harvey Research Institute, Queen Mary University of London and Oslo University Hospital, Norway, the ESE Clinical Update will provide an enriching learning and training experience for professional development and in turn seek to improve the extremely high standard of medicine that we practice every day.”

The ESE Clinical Update will take place on 13-14 January 2017, 8am-5pm at Hilton Capital Grand Hotel, Abu Dhabi. The event is HAAD-accredited offering 10.75 CME hours. The cost to attend is AED 1,100, which in many cases can be practically funded by the CME allowance, allocated to most practicing physicians.  

The programme for the two-day congress includes:

13 January

9:00 A cytological perspective of thyroid cytology for the physician 
Dr. Roberto Dina, Consultant Cyto/Histopathologist Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College NHS Trust, UK
10:00 Parallel Workshops A, B, C & DA: Thyroid cytology and thyroid lumps 
Dr. Roberto Dina, Consultant Cyto/Histopathologist Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College NHS Trust, UK, Prof Paolo Miccoli, Professor of General Surgery, University of Pisa, Italy, Dr. Aly Bernard Khalil, Consultant Endocrinologist & Thyroidologist, Imperial College London Diabetes Centre, Abu Dhabi, UAE 
10:00 Adrenocortical tumour and cancer 
Dr Darko Kastellan, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Croatia, Prof John Newell-Price, Chair of Endocrinology and Honorary Consultant Physician, Sheffield University, UK
10:00 Case-based pituitary (Hypophysitis and Sheehan's syndrome and acromegaly) 
Prof Márta Korbontis, Professor in Endocrinology, William Harvey Research Institute, Queen Mary University of London, UK, Dr Dominic Venn, TBC
10:00 Difficult calcium problems 
Prof Jens Bollerslev, Head, Section of Specialised Endocrinology, Oslo University Hospital, Norway
14:00 Primary aldosteronism 
Dr Darko Kastellan, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Croatia
16:50 Adrenal Incidentaloma – management and challenges
Prof John Newell-Price

14 January

9:00 Tailoring surgery according to molecular testing in thyroid papillary carcinoma
Prof Paolo Miccoli, Professor of General Surgery, University of Pisa, Italy
9:45 An update in vitamin D 
Prof Jens Bollerslev, Head, Section of Specialised Endocrinology, Oslo University Hospital, Norway 
13:45 A basic science review of the mode of action of metformin, and implications for diabetes and cancer 
Prof Márta Korbonitis, Professor in Endocrinology, William Harvey Research Institute, Queen Mary University of London, UK
14:30 Localisation and management of insulinomas 
Prof Karim Meeran, Professor of Endocrinology, Imperial College London Faculty of Medicine, UK

To register, please email: cme@icldc.ae or call +971 (0) 3 746 4848 and for further reading about the event, please visit ICLDC.ae

ESE has been in operation for over 10 years, engaging physicians in public benefit research, education and clinical practice by providing conferences and intensive training courses. 

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